Our Local Impact
DeafCAN!, DEAF Community Action Network! is headquartered in West Chester, Pennsylvania and Northeast Philadelphia. We were established to serve the growing needs of Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind individuals in the Southeastern Pennsylvania region. We assist individuals of all ages who may be afraid, confused, or isolated to allow them to be heard, understood, assisted, and counseled so they can learn, grow, and give back to others in our community. Our focus and impact can be felt directly by hundreds of families who call this area home.

Our Staff
Executive Director:
Rev. Beth Lockard, M.Ed.,
Office/Finance Manager:
Connie Wallace
Bill Macdonald,
Program Director:
Bill Lockard
SSP Coordinator:
Scott Stoffel
Case Managers in Chester & Delaware Counties:
Bobbi Caley, Kathie Gray-Plotkin, and Beth Lockard
Refugee/Immigrant Support:
Beth and Bill Lockard
Elaine Hockenbury, Kathie Gray-Plotkin, Bobbi Caley, Roxanne Lehr, Ellen Nunn, Bill Lockard, Amy Shoen, Debra Knerr, Rachel Kubus, Donna Larsen, and Ashley Shenk
ASL Instructors:
Kathie Gray-Plotkin, Bobbie Caley, and Beth Lockard
Bill Lockard and Debra Knerr
Church Council:
Theresa Marple, Evy Williams, Annette Lin Ralph, Rev. Beth Lockard, Kathie Gray-Plotkin, Atiya Mostardi, and Leslie Wildermuth

DeafCAN!’s History
In 1991, a growing Deaf Community formed Christ the King Deaf Church in West Chester, Pennsylvania led by Beth Lockard. Besides organizing a church home to meet the spiritual needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HOH) people and their families in the area, this group started several support groups to address a full life of opportunities for the Deaf/HOH in the region including the Chester County Association of the Deaf, Self Help for Hard of Hearing (now known as Chester County Hearing Loss Association), West Chester Deaf Seniors and the Deaf Women Connection.
In 2010, as a result of the unfortunate closure of the Center on Hearing and Deafness (CHAD), the deaf and hard of hearing community drew together to try and address the loss of social services in the region. Through the encouragement and initial funding of the Southeastern Pennsylvania ELCA Synod and Calvary Lutheran Church, West Chester, DeafCAN! was established as a community service program.
DeafCAN! has grown in services and geographic coverage over the years. In 2016, we merged with St. Philips Lutheran Church of the Deaf in Northeast Philadelphia which enabled us to expand our geographical footprint and reach out to more individuals and families. We serve these groups with an array of social services including literacy, mental health, transportation, assistive technology, ASL classes, and other in-home assistance. Three of our primary programs serve Deaf/HOH Immigrants & Refugees, DeafBlind individuals, and those who are Deaf/HOH in the criminal justice system.

Our Four Pillars of Support
Care: As long-time members of the Deaf Community, we know what it means to be isolated, ignored, and oppressed. Hearing mainstream providers often do not understand our issues. DeafCAN!'s mission is to reach out and support those most isolated and vulnerable with CARE and healing.
Communicate: Communication is essential to learn, grow, and thrive. Without clear communication, harmful impacts are predictable, devastating , and unnecessary. DeafCAN! uses different COMMUNICATION modes to enhance understanding so that individuals can develop a better quality of life.
Connect: We work hard to help each person CONNECT with others in family, work, medical, legal, and other daily life experiences. To do this, we partner, collaborate, educate, and advocate to make those connections work. This role is critical in helping the Deaf World and Hearing World connect effectively.
Community: By caring, communicating, and connecting, we empower each individual to reach their potential, meet others, develop relationships, and give back to their community as they are able.
Our Core Values
Holistic Recognition
Children and adults are more than their ears, eyes and mouths or how they communicate.
Being Deaf, hard of hearing, or DeafBlind does not inhibit a person’s ability to achieve great things, nor does it predispose anyone to any limitations or negative positions in life.
Respect for Diversity
All communication preferences need to be respected and accommodated in order to maximize each person’s potential.
Deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind people need to be the leaders and decision makers in their own lives and in services provided for them.
Deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind people need to have major roles in both volunteer and employment opportunities in services for/with other Deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind people.